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Oral Presentations Program

Oral Presentations 1 (June 23, Thursday, 9:45 – 10:45)

Paper #AuthorsPaper Title
33Stephen Tu, Alexander Robey, Tingnan Zhang and Nikolai MatniOn the Sample Complexity of Stability Constrained Imitation Learning
110Amir Khazraei, Henry Pfister and Miroslav PajicResiliency of Perception-Based Controllers Against Attacks
146Saber Jafarpour, Matthew Abate, Alexander Davydov, Francesco Bullo and Samuel CooganRobustness Certificates for Implicit Neural Networks: A Mixed Monotone Contractive Approach
7Steven Morad, Stephan Liwicki, Ryan Kortvelesy, Roberto Mecca and Amanda ProrokModeling Partially Observable Systems using Graph-Based Memory and Topological Priors

Oral Presentations 2 (June 23, Thursday, 14:45 – 15:45)

Paper #AuthorsPaper Title
19Haitong Ma, Changliu Liu, Shengbo Eben Li, Sifa Zheng and Jianyu ChenJoint Synthesis of Safety Certificate and Safe Control Policy using Constrained Reinforcement Learning
21Samarth Sinha, Jiaming Song, Animesh Garg and Stefano ErmonExperience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights
40Cameron R. Wolfe and Anastasios Kyrillidisi-SpaSP: Structured Neural Pruning via Sparse Signal Recovery
51Yuanhanqing Huang and Jianghai HuDistributed Stochastic Nash Equilibrium Learning in Locally Coupled Network Games with Unknown Parameters

Oral Presentations 3 (June 24, Friday, 9:45 – 10:45)

Paper #AuthorsPaper Title
86Luca Furieri, Clara LucĂ­a Galimberti, Muhammad Zakwan and Giancarlo Ferrari-TrecateDistributed neural network control with dependability guarantees: a compositional port-Hamiltonian approach
140Horia Mania, Ali Jadbabaie, Devavrat Shah and Suvrit SraTime varying regression with hidden linear dynamics
144Riccardo Valperga, Kevin Webster, Dmitry Turaev, Victoria Klein and Jeroen LambStructure-preserving time-reversible symplectic neural networks for learning dynamical systems
55Krista Longi, Jakob Lindinger, Olaf Duennbier, Melih Kandemir, Arto Klami and Barbara RakitschTraversing Time with Multi-Resolution Gaussian Process State-Space Models

Oral Presentations 4 (June 24, Friday, 13:00-14:00)

Paper #AuthorsPaper Title
76Weiming Zhi, Tin Lai, Lionel Ott and Fabio RamosDiffeomorphic Transforms for Generalised Imitation Learning
27Simon Muntwiler, Kim P. Wabersich and Melanie N. ZeilingerLearning-based Moving Horizon Estimation through Differentiable Convex Optimization Layers
48Miguel Jaques, Martin Asenov, Michael Burke and Timothy HospedalesVision-based system identification and 3D keypoint discovery using dynamics constraints
24Baris Kayalibay, Atanas Mirchev, Patrick van der Smagt and Justin BayerTracking and Planning with Spatial World Models