4th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference
June 23-24, Palo Alto Event Center [UPDATED]
4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA
Over the next decade, the biggest generator of data is expected to be devices that sense and control the physical world.
The explosion of real-time data that is emerging from the physical world requires a rapprochement of areas such as machine learning, control theory, and optimization. While control theory has been firmly rooted in the tradition of model-based design, the availability and scale of data (both temporal and spatial) will require rethinking the foundations of our discipline. From a machine learning perspective, one of the main challenges going forward is to go beyond pattern recognition and address problems in data-driven control and optimization of dynamical processes. Our overall goal is to create a new community of people who think rigorously across the disciplines, ask new questions, and develop the foundations of this new scientific area. We are happy to welcome you to Stanford University for the 4th annual L4DC.
- Quick Access List
Due to a campus-wide power outage, L4DC will move off campus to a nearby venue: Palo Alto Event Center, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306 www.paloaltoeventcenter.com
Call for Papers
We invite submissions of short papers addressing topics including:
- Foundations of learning of dynamics models
- System identification
- Optimization for machine learning
- Data-driven optimization for dynamical systems
- Distributed learning over distributed systems
- Reinforcement learning for physical systems
- Safe reinforcement learning and safe adaptive control
- Statistical learning for dynamical and control systems
- Bridging model-based and learning-based dynamical and control systems
- Physics-constrained learning
- Physical learning in dynamical and control systems applications in robotics, autonomy, transportation systems, cognitive systems, neuroscience, etc.
While the conference is open to any topic on the interface between machine learning, control, optimization, and related areas, its primary goal is to address scientific and application challenges in real-time physical processes modeled by dynamical or control systems.
Submission Instructions
- Submissions are limited to 10 pages in PMLR format with unlimited allowance for references (Latex Style Sheet). Acknowledgements do not count towards the page limit. We updated the template on March 9, 2022 to include the proceedings volume number for the final submission.
- If the submitted paper includes an appendix, it should also be within the 10-page limit.
- In their submission, authors may point to a tech report if they wish, e.g. on arXiv or on a personal webpage. (For long proofs, extensive results, etc.)
- L4DC reviewing is single blind.
- We will begin accepting submissions via EasyChair (CfP Link, Submission Link) on October 20, 2021.
- The deadline for submissions is 5:00 PM EST on December 7, 2021
- Please contact the conference organizers at l4dc-organizers@lists.stanford.edu if you have any questions.
Dual Submissions
Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that have been previously published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other peer-reviewed conferences with proceedings or journals may not be submitted to L4DC.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline:
November 30, 2021, 5:00 PM ESTDecember 7, 2021, 5:00PM EST - Author notification: March 1, 2022.
- Final Paper Upload Deadline: April 5, 2022, 5 PM EST. Authors will be directly contacted by e-mail regarding the submission procedure.
- Conference: June 23-24, 2022.
- Accepted papers will be published electronically in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR).
Presentation Instructions
- All accepted papers will be presented as posters at this conference. A selected set of papers deemed particularly exceptional by the program committee will be presented as oral talks.
- The allocated time for the oral presentations is 10 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for the questions.
- At least one of each paper’s authors should be present at the conference to present the work.
Poster Instructions
- The poster size is 20×30 inches (portrait mode).
- Authors should feel free to use any template for their poster presentations.
- Posters do not need to be submitted before the conference, but they need to be printed and brought to the conference for presentation.
Proceedings and Recordings
- Conference proceedings are available online on PMLR: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v168/
All times are stated in Pacific Time (PT).
Thursday, June 23, 2022
08:15-8:45 Registration
08:45-09:00 Welcome & Introduction by Organizers
09:00-09:45 Stephen Boyd (Stanford University)
09:45-10:45 Oral Presentations 1
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:00 Sarah Dean (Cornell University)
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:45 Chuchu Fan (MIT)
14:45-15:45 Oral Presentations 2
15:45-16:00 Awards
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
17:30-19:00 Reception
Friday, June 24, 2022
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:45 Daniela Rus (MIT)
09:45-10:45 Oral Presentations 3
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 Oral Presentations 4
14:00-14:45 Monroe Kennedy III (Stanford University)
14:45-15:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 Discussion Panel
Click here to access the social program.
L4DC Awards
Best Paper Award Winner
Weiming Zhi, Tin Lai, Lionel Ott, and Fabio Ramos, “Diffeomorphic Transforms for Generalised Imitation Learning”
Best Paper Award Finalists
Haitong Ma, Changliu Liu, Shengbo Eben Li, Sifa Zheng, and Jianyu Chen, “Joint Synthesis of Safety Certificate and Safe Control Policy using Constrained Reinforcement Learning”
Samarth Sinha, Jiaming Song, Animesh Garg, and Stefano Ermon, “Experience Replay with Likelihood-free Importance Weights”
General Chair

Local Chair



Publications & Social Chair


Awards Chair

Steering Committee
Program Committee
- Naman Agarwal, Google AI Princeton
- Mahnoosh Alizadeh, University of California Santa Barbara
- Aaron Ames, California Institute of Technology
- Nikolay Atanasov, University of California San Diego
- Navid Azizan, MIT
- Kamyar Azzizadenesheli, Purdue University
- Thomas Beckers, University of Pennsylvania
- Nicola Bezzo, University of Virgina
- Valentina Breschi, Politecnico di Milano
- Mo Chen, Simon Fraser University
- Alessandro Chiuso, University of Padova
- Yuchen Cui, Stanford University
- Sam Coogan, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Sarah Dean, Cornell University
- Shankar Anand Deka, University of California, Berkeley
- Stefano Di Cairano, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
- Florian Doerfler, ETH Zurich
- Katie Driggs-Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Clemens Eppner, NVIDIA
- Chuchu Fan, MIT
- Aleksandra Faust, Google Brain
- Mahyar Fazlyab, Johns Hopkins University
- Jaime Fernández Fisac, Princeton University
- Sophie Marie Fosson, Politecnico di Torino
- Dylan Foster, MIT
- David Fridovich-Keil, University of Texas at Austin
- Simone Garatti, Politecnico Milano
- Konstantinos Gatsis, University of Oxford
- Ali Ghadirzadeh, Stanford University
- Bahman Gharesifard, Queen’s University
- Shromona Ghosh, Waymo
- Stephanie Gil, Harvard University
- Sofie Haesaert, Eindhoven University of Technology
- Ankur Handa, NVIDIA
- Hamed Hassani, University of Pennsylvania
- Sylvia Herbert, University of California San Diego
- Sandra Hirche, Technical University of Munich
- Bin Hu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Radoslav Ivanov, University of Pennsylvania
- Rahul Jain, University of Southern California
- Mihailo Jovanovic, University of Southern California
- Yiannis Kantaros, University of Pennsylvania
- Jens Kober, Delft University of Technology
- Alec Koppel, Amazon
- Danica Kragic, KTH
- Laurent Lessard, Northeastern University
- Jiachen Li, Stanford University
- Na Li, Harvard University
- Yingying Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Changliu Liu, Carnegie Mellon University
- Anirudha Majumdar, Princeton University
- Horia Mania, MIT
- Kostas Margelos, University of Oxford
- Georg Martius, Max Planck Institute
- Nikolai Matni, University of Pennsylvania
- Anastasia Mavrommati, Mathworks
- Sayan Mitra, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Matthias Müller, Hannover University
- Gergely Neu, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Takayuki Osa, Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Lionel Ott, ETH Zurich
- Necmiye Ozay, University of Michigan
- George Pappas, University of Pennsylvania
- Pablo Parillo, MIT
- Francesca Parise, Cornell University
- Panos Patrinos, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Marco Pavone, Stanford University
- Jacopo Panerati, University of Toronto
- Lerrel Pinto, New York University
- Max Raginsky, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Lillian Ratliff, University of Washington
- Anders Ratzer, Lund University
- Vicenç Rubies Royo, University of California, Berkeley
- Thomas Schön, Uppsala University
- Ransalu Senanayake, Stanford University
- Shahin Shahrampour, Northestearn University
- Yuanyuan Shi, University of California San Diego
- Florian Shkurti, University of Toronto
- Milad Siami, Northeastern University
- Max Simchowitz, MIT
- Koushil Sreenath, University of California Berkeley
- Bartolomeo Stellato, Princeton University
- Zachary Sunberg, University of Colorado Boulder
- Jie Tan, Google
- Sarah Tang, Waymo
- Yuval Tassa, Google/DeepMind
- Sebastian Trimpe, RWTH Aachen University
- Kyriakos Vamvoudakis, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Melanie Zeilinger, ETH Zurich
We are grateful to the reviewers for all their efforts in reviewing the papers contributed to L4DC2022. (Full list of reviewers)
Awards Committee
- Somil Bansal (USC)
- Aleksandra Faust (Google)
- Alonso Marco (UC Berkeley)
- George Pappas (UPenn)
- Ye Yuan (Huazhong UST)
Attendance Information
Registration Website
Tickets to L4DC 2022 can be bought through Stanford Ticket Office: https://sto.stanfordtickets.org/l4dc/registration
Important Dates
- Author registration opens: March 9, 2022
- Authors will be contacted via email for registration instructions.
- Public registration opens: April 10, 2022
- Early-bird registration deadline: May 1, 2022
Registration fees
All prices are in US Dollars.
In-person | Early-bird | Standard |
Student | $150 | $200 |
General | $450 | $550 |
Live stream | $0 | $0 |
Only degree-seeking students at a degree-awarding institution are eligible for student registration pricing. Students need to fill in their institutions, departments, and student ID numbers during registration.
Only Keynote Talks and Oral Presentations will be live-streamed. There will be no streaming for the poster sessions.
Directions: Palo Alto Event Center, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Parking: Free parking is available at the venue.
Food: Lunch, morning, and afternoon coffee will be available for the conference participants.
Accommodation: Accommodation options for L4DC participants can be found here.
Health and Safety
The health and safety of our conference attendees are the top priority of L4DC organizers. L4DC is planned as an in-person event with all oral presentations and keynote talks being live-streamed. We will have outdoor space available for breaks and socializing. Our full health and safety policy can be seen here.
Code of Conduct
At the L4DC conference, we aim to create a safe, welcoming, and positive environment that facilitates exchanging ideas and forming professional connections. We expect all participants to be respectful towards each other. The conference will not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or personal attacks. Participants must stop any problematic behavior immediately. If you have concerns about problematic behavior, please notify the L4DC organizers at l4dc-organizers@lists.stanford.edu. If you would like to notify the organizers anonymously, please use this form: https://forms.gle/MBY23Do5ryvLuFQCA
It is important to note that problematic communication can occur even without an explicit intent to offend or harass. Hence, we ask that all participants be mindful of how their comments can be interpreted, and err on the side of caution during formal and informal interactions.
Building the L4DC Community:
L4DC is interdisciplinary, bringing together researchers from control, robotics, machine learning, and optimization. One of the goals of L4DC is to build strong ties between these disciplines and enable active collaboration. Please consider taking on the constructive role of contributing to the community, instead of taking on a critical role to pinpoint flaws and weaknesses in the works of others during the conference. Focusing on weak points could cause others to retreat back to places where they feel comfortable, and instead of interdisciplinary interaction, we could end up with separate sub-clusters of people only interacting within their own fields. So please help us create a positive tone so that it is easy for the participants to leave their comfort zones, gain new perspectives, and form new collaborations